The Colorado State Patrol investigated a deadly crash between a semi and a Colorado Department of Transportation snowplow.
Law enforcement will be using checkpoints and increasing the number of patrols across the state to try to stop drunk drivers ...
The Colorado Department of Transportation is piloting speed enforcement cameras, beginning in construction zones. The Floyd ...
The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) wants those who may have plans to head to the mountains this weekend to be ...
Colorado’s Medicaid authority terminated its contract with one of the state’s largest transportation providers late Wednesday ...
The Colorado Department of Transportation is developing a program that would place photo radar cameras along major roadways ...
Private companies would be able to sell and install tire chains for motorists traveling along Interstate 70 under a Colorado ...
Customers of MedRide, a non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) service, opened the company's website on Friday to find ...
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have won 4 out of 10 awards from the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) ...
FOX31's Shaul Turner is live in Loveland where snow is falling steadily and Colorado Department of Transportation plows have ...
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Mountain Metropolitan Transit (MMT) are pairing up and showed individuals how public transportation can take them anywhere in Colorado. On Thursday ...