Actor Rajesh Madhavan and Deepti Karat celebrated their wedding. Madhavan is known for roles in films like 'Maheshinte Prathikaaram' and 'Android Kunjappan'. Karat has worked in production design ...
Actor, director and casting director Rajesh Madhavan married his girlfriend, assistant director and production designer, Deepthi Karat, at a traditional wedding ceremony on Thursday (December 12 ...
Her is among the last few projects of the late actor Prathap Pothan. The cast of the film also includes Rajesh Madhavan, Guru Somasundaram, Maala Parvathi, Rony David Raj and Sabumon Abdusamad ...
Her is among the last few projects of the late actor Prathap Pothan. The cast of the film also includes Rajesh Madhavan, Guru Somasundaram, Maala Parvathi, Rony David Raj, and Sabumon Abdusamad ...
Billed as a gripping drama thriller, the upcoming Malayalam film also stars actors Rajesh Madhavan, Sudhi Koppa, Arun ...
Mollywood actor Rajesh Madhavan who has played several memorable roles in movies from ‘Maheshinte Prathikaaram’ to ‘Android Kunjappan’, recently tied the knot with Deepti Karat who is a ...
O n Thursday, actor-director Rajesh Madhavan married assistant director Deepthi Karat. The couple, who had been in a relationship, first met while working together on the Kunchacko Boban-starrer ...