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A bill introduced in Maryland could impose taxes on certain sugary drinks with some of the revenue going to support meal ...
Sugary drinks have increasingly become a common part of people’s daily lives, with consumption rates reaching alarming levels ...
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Maryland lawmakers are hearing a new bill called the “For Our Kids Act,” which would add a two cents-per-ounce tax on sugary ...
House Bill 1469, the For Our Kids Act, would impose a tax on certain distributors of sugary beverages.
The tax would cost 2 cents per ounce and would help fund free schools meals, childcare, and the state's ailing general fund.
The state of Maryland is looking to sweeten its tax revenue thanks to a proposed tax on sugary drinks, syrups and powders. If ...
WBFF- Baltimore — Maryland could become the first state to tax sugary drinks. Right now, lawmakers are considering a ...
MoCo Del. Emily Shetty (D) proposes 2-cent-per-ounce levy on sugary drinks that could raise nearly $500 million annually.
Maryland delegates are coming up with all kinds of ways to generate new revenue for the state- including taxing sugary drinks. So far this year in Maryland just the idea of another tax ...