BERI SAMBUTAN - Kepala Bakesbangpol Kubu Raya, H Amini Maros. Ia mengatakan pihaknya membuka pendaftaran secara online calon Pasukan Pengibar Bendera (Paskibra) untuk Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke 80 ...
KUALA LUMPUR: A Chinese national and her Malaysian friend drowned after they were swept away by a water surge while bathing at the Kampung Orang Asli Pertak waterfall in Kuala Kubu Bharu ...
The film is set to make its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam(IFFR) on Feb. 11, screening in the Harbour section, a platform for bold and innovative contemporary cinema.
The visual cover of an artistic work - whether it’s a film, song, album or book - inevitably invites judgment. In cinema, the poster - or as it’s known in Egyptian cinema, the ‘afish’ - is a ...
Ia menanggapi kontroversi poster film Pabrik Gula yang dibintanginya. Secara tiba-tiba banyak mention di media sosialnya tentang poster itu yang dianggap terlalu sensual. "Aku juga kaget ya ...
Kuasa hukum Pemohon perkara sengketa pemilu Paslon Cabup dan Cawabup Intan Jaya dengan nomor urut 3 yaitu Apolos Bagau dan Tetairus Widigipa yaitu M. Roberto Sihotang, Mila Ayu Dewata Sari, Gillian ...
potret peluncuran poster (IMAX) dan trailer resmi film Pabrik Gula di XXI Gandaria City, Jakarta, Kamis (30/1/2025) (dok. IDN Times/Rani Asnurida) Link Telah Dicopy ...
JELANG penayangan pada 27 Februari mendatang, film horor Indonesia, Pernikahan Arwah (The Butterfly House) merilis poster karakter. Poster yang kental nuansa peranakan itu menampilkan para pemain ...
If the stars properly align, he will talk about For Love Of The Game being the best baseball movie of all time.
Emilia Pérez first premiered at the May 2024 Cannes Film Festival and has become a gradual global sensation. Directed and written by Jacques Audiard, the film earned multiple nominations at the ...