Monyet adalah hewan yang sangat aktif bergerak, sehingga kebanyakan monyet berukuran kecil. Berikut daftar 10 monyet terkecil di dunia, yuk simak!
As per usual, another topsy-turvy year in real estate for both the residential and commercial markets. My apologies for having been late to publication, as 2025 predictions should ideally be released ...
The government says the plan is to install 20 more of these units nationwide.
With the participation of more than 300 international players, Costa Rica will be the stage for the long-awaited 10th Pan American Tennis Cup, which ...
Mausui tak sekadar padang sabana. Tempat ini bagai permadani hijau yang sangat indah. Letaknya di kaki Gunung Poco Ndeki, ...
Kamu yang suka mendaki gunung, akan dimanjakan pemandangan menakjubkan di sepanjang jalur pendakian Gunung Lakaan, NTT.
Padang saban Fulan Fehan di Kabupaten Belu, Nusa Tenggara Timur bak permadani hijau yang sangat indah di tapal batas Indonesia-Timor Leste.
BENGALURU: A couple died on the spot after a cement mixer truck collided with their two-wheeler and crushed them. The ...