The animated anthology series features original stories set in the worlds of iconic video games. Rick Damigella has a look.
Circle, the terrifying Pac-Man episode of Amazon Prime Video's hit animated series Secret Level, is getting its own video ...
Secret Level, an anthology series based on popular video games, will be released in two batches. The split release strategy ...
It's been a week since Secret Level viewers have been raving about the Pac-Man episode and finally they have an answer to it ...
Secret Level's executive producers Tim Miller and Dave Wilson talk about what exactly went into the gaming anthology in an ...
Discover the dramatic ending of Secret Level Episode 8! Keanu Reeves voices the lone pilot in an intense battle for survival.
Prime Video's Secret Level Episode 3 has a unique role for Arnold Schwarzenegger as it spins its adaption of the New World ...
Bandai Namco has revealed Shadow Labyrinth, a metroidvania starring everyone's favourite yellow mouthpiece Pac-Man.
We've been attempting to keep our hype levels within acceptable margins, but you know Keighley's cooking when he's got the ...
Top-level domains allow businesses to showcase their services and expertise upfront, improving their visibility and ...
Sifu developer SloClap appears to be teasing some kind of announcement for tonight's The Game Awards. Over on the social ...
UN investigators say they have compiled secret lists of 4,000 perpetrators of serious crimes in Syria and hope the fall of ...