A new Captain America: Brave New World, also known as Captain America 4, video teases the return of The Leader, portrayed by ...
Geralt of Rivia's fate in The Witcher 4 is revealed by CD Projekt Red, and fans want to know if he'll be helping Ciri find ...
A six-minute trailer is all we have so far on the subject of The Witcher 4. Is that not enough? You will be amazed at the ...
The Witcher 4 will feature Geralt, the past protagonist. Doug Cockle will step back into the iconic role. Here's what we know ...
The Witcher IV does indeed feature long-time series hero Geralt and Doug Cockle provided his voice in last night’s The ...
Beyond the fact of it starring Geralt's protege Ciri as a now fully-fledged witcher, we don't know that much about The ...