The lives of two talented children were tragically cut short by Wednesday’s devastating plane crash. Angela Yang and Sean Kay—a dynamic ice skating duo—had “so much fun” at the National Development ...
Unique lipids in polar bear sebum prevent ice accumulation, paving the way for eco-friendly anti-icing materials.
Until you've had the pleasure of enjoying a frozen gummy, you won't know how much better a frosty bear can be.
Scientists have quantified how much climate change has driven the population decline of polar bears living in Canada's Hudson ...
University of Toronto Scarborough researchers have directly linked population decline in polar bears living in Western Hudson Bay to shrinking sea ice caused by climate change.
An international team of Earth and environmental scientists has found evidence that the Ronne Ice Shelf in the West Antarctic ...
Polar bear fur resists ice because of a natural greasy coating called sebum. This helps them move quietly while hunting.