Dave Blunts Falling From the Sky, also known as Dave Blunts Falling Out of the Sky, refers to a clip from rapper Dave Blunts' ...
Light Gay As Hell, also known as Light Gay As Shit I Would Have Gone Crazy, refers to a series of posts about Death Note ...
He's Sart Of Like An Evil Porson is a catchphrase that grew popular on Twitter in 2024, used to poke fun at Irish actor Barry ...
When You Up Pole is an AAVE slang phrase used to describe being armed or "strapped" with a gun. The phrase "when you up pole" ...
Soulja Boy's "Superman" TikTok Trend refers to a viral TikTok dance inspired by Soulja Boy's memorable 2007 hit "Crank That." ...
Viktor Nation, How We Feeling and Jaybe or Jaybe Not are quotes spoken by voice actor Harry Lloyd in the voice of Viktor from ...
Overwhelmed by the Power of the Polynesian Culture While Watching Moana 2 refers to a deleted viral video of an ecstatic ...
South Korea Martial Law Declaration refers to the declaration of martial law in South Korea by President Yoon Suk Yeol in ...
Life Of a Meme or Brand Puts Pineapple on Head is a webcomic by artist Alex Krokus that describes the lifecycle of a meme and ...
In Case You Were Wondering, Yes He Is is a catchphrase used to surreptitiously indicate that a certain person is Jewish, ...
Muppet History Sexual Harassment Allegations or Muppet History Drama refers to several accusations of online sexual ...
We Listen, We Don't Judge is a TikTok trend and internet challenge that grew out of South Africa in 2024. The challenge ...