A blog about Kansas City politics and culture.
Stone tablet bearing Paleo-Hebrew inscription with Samaritan version of Biblical text — expected to fetch more than $1 ...
The bill follows similar legislation in GOP-led states, such as Louisiana, and is part of a broader push to inject religious ...
Rather than focusing on the shall-nots from thousands of years ago, lawmakers need to spend energy on what shall be done for ...
Then, rather than focusing on this tablet itself, the Sotheby’s catalog begins to focus on the significance of the original ...
Nationwide nonprofit Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to the board calling on them to deny this motion or face ...
Amazing!ideas! Unique homemade diy tool!!
A judge heard arguments on Dec. 11 on whether a new law establishing a buffer around police officers at work violates your ...
Bids may rise to a million or more, Sotheby’s estimates, though some experts say that fakes and forgeries abound.