Olympic swimmer Ryan Murphy and his wife, Bridget Konttinen Murphy, announced on Wednesday, Jan. 29, that they welcomed their first child, daughter Eevi Lillian Murphy, on Friday, Jan. 24.
My wife and I got a windfall inheritance from her side of the family, so we could use it to pay to keep him alive, but we have young adult children who so far still live with us and rely on us because ...
A government watchdog has criticised Somerset Council for taking too long to provide speech and language therapy to a disabled teenager. The teenager, known only as Ms K, has a rare condition which ...
Netflix has commissioned a reboot of the long-running Western historical drama series Little House on the Prairie. The ...
Several recent smuggling attempts at the Arizona - Mexico San Luis Port of Entry have led to the recovery of weapons, drugs, and cash.
Donald Trump and White House Press Secretary said about $50 million of taxpayers’ money had been spent to fund condoms in Gaza, and Washington would stop the programme. It appears that the government ...