Driving directions, live traffic & road conditions updates - Waze
Realtime driving directions based on live traffic updates from Waze - Get the best route to your destination from fellow drivers
Indiana/Road closures - Wazeopedia
Please add as much data as possible such as street name planned start and end date and permalink to the location of the closure. Also only edit the map for closure if the road will be closed longer than two weeks.
Real time closures - Wazeopedia
A Real Time Closure (RTC) may be used when a segment is completely closed temporarily in one or both directions to all wazers. When the RTC is active, the affected segment will be marked with red-and-white candy stripes and Waze will not route any traffic through or onto the segment.
North Carolina/Road Closures - Wazeopedia
This page is a list of major road closures that have been edited on the Waze map to reflect the road closure and/or detour.
Missouri - Wazeopedia
Base minimum road types in the Waze editor according to the MoDOT Highway Functional Classification Maps along with guidance from the road type guidelines. The table below shows a cross reference for the minimum road types in Missouri.
Road Closures - Wazeopedia
For a basic street, with low traffic, the closure will appear immediately for 30 min. It will be suspended as soon as traffic is detected. It will be extended if another user confirmes the closure. For more important road, several similar closure report within a few minutes are needed for the closure to come online.
Washington - Wazeopedia
This section contains details about long term or seasonal road closures currently in place in Waze, usually through disconnecting of segments to prevent Waze from routing along a certain stretch of road.
Virginia - Wazeopedia
Virginia folows the road naming guidelines of the USA. The local name of a road should always be set as the primary name and the route number should be set as an alternate name; there are very few state routes in Virginia that do not have a local name.
California - Wazeopedia
By selecting Counties (or Areas, for example, Los Angeles and Orange Counties are but one area), a road closure list can be generated. It does not seem to be digitized, so that a Wazer could update for all. See California/Closures for guidance in California that may not be universal to all other states and territories.
Local Traffic Only (Roads and Areas) - Australia - Waze Discuss
Oct 26, 2018 · Being sent through roads that have black and white signs saying that roads are for “Local Traffic Only” or are part of a “Local Traffic Area” and being confronted by roads that are often narrow and clogged with parked cars does not …